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Lo Conte Magical Chickpea Flour for Farinata – 320g


“You still remember when you used to visit your grandmother on Sundays in the house in Liguria. She always had chickpea farinata ready for you. A very shallow savoury cake made of water and chickpea flour, baked in a wood-fired oven until it formed a delicious golden crust. You ate it together, you and your grandmother, sitting at the kitchen table in such a family atmosphere. Relive the memories of those happy times. Prepare the chickpea porridge in your kitchen at home, you can bake it safely in your oven. But remember to use Lo Conte’s Magical Chickpea Flour for chickpea gruel. 100% chickpea flour of Italian origin and produced with an ancient tradition. To rediscover all the authentic flavour of the Farinata your grandmother used to prepare for you. Imagine what she would say if she could taste it?”

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