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Sicilyaddict Cannoli peels – 5 pcs


Sicilian Cannolo Peels: Authentic SicilyAddict Taste at Your Home!

The Sicilian Cannolo Peels by SicilyAddict bring authentic Sicilian tradition directly into your home. Made to perfection, following the ancient Sicilian recipe, they are ready to be comfortably filled with ricotta or any other cream of your choice.

19 in stock

SKU BN023 Category

Product Features:

Crunchy and Shockproof: The peels are crunchy thanks to the special SicilyAddict shockproof cells. This feature guarantees an intact product full of freshness, just as if you had just purchased it in Sicily.

Versatility in Every Bite:

Experience the versatility of these Sicilian cannoli peels. Fill them with fresh ricotta or your favorite cream, creating your own personalized cannoli at home.

Order Today for an Authentic Taste of Sicily:

Order SicilyAddict Sicilian Cannolo Peels today and delight your palate with authentic Sicilian taste. Deliver directly to your home to savor tradition without moving. Crispy, fresh and ready to be stuffed: a unique pleasure just a click away!


Type 00 soft wheat flour, granulated sugar, water, palm oil, red wine (sulphites), cocoa 22/24, vanillin.


May contain traces of eggs and corn starch

Additional information

Weight 80 g
Dimensions 28 × 17 × 5 cm

The images of the products sold by reproduce their packaging as faithfully as possible. However, these images may not actually correspond to the products delivered to your home, also for reasons of a technical nature. The essential characteristics of each product are described on the site within each product sheet. We urge customers to always check the label, warnings and instructions on the back of the products before using and consuming them. 

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