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Fiammante San Marzano DOP Tomatoes – 400 gr


“The favourite dish of many Italians? Pizza! And so is yours. You like to prepare the dough and the pizza sauce, at home. Just like your mum taught you, according to family tradition. And as your mum told you, you use for the sauce: Fiammante Pomodori San Marzano DOP tomatoes. With a sweet and sour flavour, these are only Italian tomatoes ripened in the Mediterranean sun. For a pizza as good as the one in the pizzeria!”

The San Marzano Tomato from the Sarnese-Nocerino DOP area by La Fiammante has a balanced sweet and sour taste, a vibrant red color, and a firm pulp with few seeds, enhanced by the skillful transformation into peeled tomatoes.

Buy the 400g canned version with shipping, even free, to Europe and UK.

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