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Don Simon Sangria Original – 1 L


When you think about your trip to Spain, what comes to mind is: heat, joy, tapas, music, colors, parties, and… Sangria! An alcoholic beverage made with robust red wine, fruit, and spices, with a sweet and delicious taste. And so it is precisely from that trip that Don Simon Sangria Original – 1 L cannot be missing from your home. Pre-made Sangria to which you only need to add, if you want, some diced fresh fruit. So, what are you waiting for to pour yourself a glass of Don Simon Sangria Original? Even better when accompanied by potato croquettes.

If you order from the UK any excise duty on alcohol is charged to the recipient

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SKU PH057 Category

Additional information

Weight 1056 g
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 20 cm

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