Blog | Vico Food Box

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  • The growth of Vico Food Box - The new warehouse
    The growth of Vico Food Box - The new warehouse

    At the beginning of our adventure, we never imagined how much our family of customers would grow. In 5 years we have grown so much, an incredible achievement, the result of the hard work and trust that our customers, the ‘Vico Lovers’ have placed in us since day zero. In 2024, our turnover is 38 times higher than in 2019! With exponential growth like this, our old warehouse was starting to get tight. 

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  • Quick recipes with pasta for every day
    Quick recipes with pasta for every day

    Pasta is one of the most loved foods worldwide. It is highly sought after by Italians in Italy, expats abroad, and tourists. It’s a versatile food that pairs well with many different ingredients, resulting in incredibly flavorful dishes. Today, we’re offering three easy and quick recipes that can be prepared every day, perfect for those who have little time but don’t want to compromise on taste. 1. Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and chili Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and chili is a classic...

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  • Vegan Nutella - all you need to know
    Vegan Nutella - all you need to know

    Vegan Nutella is a revised version of the classic Nutella, made without milk or animal derivatives. In fact, its launch was a response to the needs of a market in constant evolution, the vegan market: ‘[...] in Europe, plant-based products reach a turnover of over 6 billion sales (Nielsen data).’ Available on the market from September 2024. 

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  • 3 Easy recipes with gnocchi
    3 Easy recipes with gnocchi

    Gnocchi are one of the most loved and sought-after dishes both in Italy and abroad. In winter, especially when temperatures start to drop, we often crave a warm and comforting meal, such as gnocchi alla sorrentina with tomato sauce and melted mozzarella, baked in a small pan. These are, small, soft potato dumplings that are versatile and can be paired with a wide variety of sauces and ingredients. In this article, we will share three simple and delicious recipes you can prepare at home with...

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  • Mushroom risotto - tips for the perfect risotto
  • Liquid or powder? Guide to choosing the perfect detergent
    Liquid or powder? Guide to choosing the perfect detergent

    Household laundry is one of those tasks that, whether it’s winter or summer, never leaves us. Especially after returning from vacations or weekend getaways where we accumulate clothes on top of clothes. When it comes to doing the laundry, one of the first decisions to make is which type of detergent to use: liquid or powder. Both have their pros and cons, and the choice often depends on specific washing needs, the type of stains, and the fabrics. In this article, we will explore the main...

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  • Back to School: i segreti per affrontarlo al meglio
    Back to School: i segreti per affrontarlo al meglio

    Il ritorno a scuola è sempre un momento emozionante e pieno di sfide, sia per i bambini che per i genitori. Per affrontare al meglio questo periodo, è importante essere ben organizzati e trovare la giusta routine. In questo articolo ci teniamo a darvi dei suggerimenti per un back to school perfetto. Preparativi per il Back to School La prima cosa da fare è organizzare il materiale scolastico. Vi suggeriamo, in primis, di fare una check-list del materiale: capire cosa si ha già e...

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  • Cacio e Pepe: Origins, Curiosities and Recipe
    Cacio e Pepe: Origins, Curiosities and Recipe

    Cacio e Pepe is a Roman pasta dish that celebrates simplicity and tradition. With just a few ingredients, this classic recipe delivers an explosion of flavors. In this article, we’ll explore the origins of Cacio e Pepe, share intriguing curiosities and provide a step-by-step guide to preparing this beloved Roman dish! Origins and historical background Spaghetti cacio e pepe is one of the oldest recipes in Roman cuisine. It’s often enjoyed as a comfort food and is a popular choice for both...

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  • 5 Tipps und Kuriositäten zur Sizilianischen Caponata
    5 Tipps und Kuriositäten zur Sizilianischen Caponata

    Caponata ist ein klassisches sizilianisches Gericht, das sowohl für seine köstliche Geschmacksmischung als auch für seine lange Geschichte bekannt ist. Dieses Gemüsegericht wird oft als Vorspeise oder Beilage serviert und verbindet süße und saure Noten zu einem einzigartigen Geschmackserlebnis. Heute schlagen wir vor, wie man ein ausgezeichnetes Rezept auch aus der Ferne zubereiten kann! Historische Wurzeln Caponata ist ein Gericht mit historischen Wurzeln in Sizilien. Es gibt etwa 35...

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  • Ferragosto: tra tradizioni e superstizioni!
    Ferragosto: tra tradizioni e superstizioni!

    Ferragosto è una delle festività italiane più amate, un momento di pausa in piena estate che si celebra il 15 agosto. Ci si ritaglia del tempo per organizzare pic-nic, gite fuori porta, grigliate; per trascorrere del tempo in famiglia o con gli amici, al mare, in montagna, attorno ad un falò. Ma quali sono le origini di questa festa? E come viene celebrata nelle diverse regioni italiane? Lo scopriamo insieme! La storia del Ferragosto Le origini della storia del Ferragosto sono molto...

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  • 4 Reiseziele in Italien: die shonsten Orte am Meer
    4 Reiseziele in Italien: die shonsten Orte am Meer

    Der Sommer ist die beliebteste Reisezeit des Jahres. Lust auf einen Italienurlaub? Heute schlagen wir Ihnen die besten Reiseziele für günstige und schöne Ferien vor: Pizza, Pasta, Sonne und Aperitifs! Italiener im Urlaub fallen in zwei Kategorien: Meer und Berge. Für Touristen, die nach Italien kommen, gibt es nur das Meer. Das ganze Jahr über ein beliebtes Reiseziel. Die shonsten orte in italien am meer: Capri in Kampanien Die Insel Capri liegt in der Stadt Neapel, in der Region Kampanien....

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  • A Summer Guide to Naples: Top Tips for an Unforgettable Visit
    A Summer Guide to Naples: Top Tips for an Unforgettable Visit

    Naples is a southern Italian city rich in history, vibrancy and good food. For many tourists it is a perfect summer destination: beautiful coastline, low prices, historical monuments to visit, but also a lot of friendliness from the inhabitants who make tourists feel at home. In recent years, Naples has seen a significant increase in tourism, with a record over 5 million tourists visiting the city in 2023, marking a 15% increase over 2022. Are you planning your holidays in the south and don’t...

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Showing 25 to 36 of 241 (21 Pages)
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