Italian lifestyle

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  • The 4 Most Charming Christmas Markets in Italy
    The 4 Most Charming Christmas Markets in Italy

    Ti sei mai immerso nella magia del Natale in Italia? 

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  • 5 events during the Christmas Holiday in Italy
    5 events during the Christmas Holiday in Italy

    Do not know what to do at Christmas in Italy? We'll help you!

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  • Christmas in Italy
    Christmas in Italy

    Christmas is a magical celebration all over the world. It is especially beloved in Italy, where it is filled with centuries-old traditions, delicious food, and a deep sense of community. Spending the holiday season in Italy offers a different experience compared to any other country. From the illuminated streets to the Christmas markets, and the religious rituals, every corner vibrates with a warm festive atmosphere. But what makes Italian Christmas so special compared to the rest of the...

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  • The Day of the Dead – The Italian Halloween
    The Day of the Dead – The Italian Halloween

    Toktok...è tempo di: dolcetto o scherzetto? Ottobre è arrivato e porta con sè tutta la bellezza del foliage, colori tenui, pasti caldi, costumi per Halloween! Ebbene, il 31 ottobre è festa in ogni dove.

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  • Food Day 2024 - Right to Food
    Food Day 2024 - Right to Food

    On October 16th, World Food Day 2024 is celebrated, an occasion to remind everyone that access to food should not be a privilege but a fundamental human right. This year’s theme, “The Right to Food for a Better Life and Future”, invites us to reflect on the necessity of ensuring that everyone has access to adequate and sustainable nutrition. In a world where hundreds of millions of people suffer from hunger, it is essential to promote a more equitable and accessible food production system....

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  • Ferragosto: tra tradizioni e superstizioni!
    Ferragosto: tra tradizioni e superstizioni!

    Ferragosto è una delle festività italiane più amate, un momento di pausa in piena estate che si celebra il 15 agosto. Ci si ritaglia del tempo per organizzare pic-nic, gite fuori porta, grigliate; per trascorrere del tempo in famiglia o con gli amici, al mare, in montagna, attorno ad un falò. Ma quali sono le origini di questa festa? E come viene celebrata nelle diverse regioni italiane? Lo scopriamo insieme! La storia del Ferragosto Le origini della storia del Ferragosto sono molto...

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  • 4 cose che non sai sul caffè
    4 cose che non sai sul caffè

    Il caffè in Italia rappresenta una vera e propria tradizione, un gesto conviviale e quotidiano. Si beve caffè quando si fa colazione al mattino, quando si fa una pausa a metà mattinata, dopo pranzo e spesso anche dopo cena. Si invita qualcuno fuori "per un caffè" come scusa per fare due chiacchiere. Come gesto di accoglienza per chi viene a trovarci a casa o in ufficio. Ma insomma, a fine giornata, quanti caffè avremmo bevuto? Vediamo insieme quattro curiosità che sicuramente non sai sul...

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  • Italian disgestivo – The most famous italian After Dinner Drinks
    Italian disgestivo – The most famous italian After Dinner Drinks

    Italian digestivo - The most famous italian After Dinner Drinks Did you know that in Italy a heavy lunch or dinner does not end without a “digestivo”? It is a bitter, an ‘ammazzacaffè‘ to digest food and “clean” the stomach. The most common digestives are bitters, which differ from liqueurs precisely in their flavour: bitter is bitter and is used to end a meal. Liqueurs, on the other hand, are sweet and accompany desserts. Bitters, like liqueurs and infusions, originated in the...

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  • Was isst man in Italien zu Ostern?
    Was isst man in Italien zu Ostern?

    “Weihnachten mit den Eltern, Ostern mit wem du willst”, lautet ein berühmtes italienisches Sprichwort, das die unbeschwerte, frühlingshafte Atmosphäre von Ostern beschreibt. Im Gegensatz zu Weihnachten, das traditionell im Kreise der Familie gefeiert wird, trifft man sich zu Ostern oft mit Freunden oder verreist. Möchten Sie Ihr Osterfest in Italien feiern? Hier finden Sie alles, was Sie wissen müssen (vor allem über das Kochen). Von Nord bis Süd ist es durchaus üblich, Ostereier zu...

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  • Kinder Easter Eggs 2024: how to choose the surprise
    Kinder Easter Eggs 2024: how to choose the surprise

    As Easter arrives, it’s time to stock up on chocolate and surprises! Needless to say, we all know what surprises we are talking about, those of the Kinder Easter Eggs. Every year Kinder outdoes itself with a new series of themed eggs that please just about everyone. In 2024, there are surprises for all tastes: from Dragon Ball to Marvel superheroes to the much-loved Super Mario! What’s the trick to finding out in advance what’s inside each Kinder egg? Just weigh them! Yes, you got it right!...

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  • Was Italiener an Karneval essen: viel Süßes
    Was Italiener an Karneval essen: viel Süßes

    Karneval  Der Karneval ist in Italien ein beliebtes und lang ersehntes Fest, das von Jung und Alt gleichermaßen gefeiert wird. Ursprünglich war er ein heidnisches Fest, das mit den Saturnalien im alten Rom und den dionysischen Festen der griechischen Antike verbunden war. Bei dieser Gelegenheit war es erlaubt, sich auszutoben, sich von Verpflichtungen und Bindungen zu befreien und zu scherzen und zu spielen. Das war auch der Grund für die Maskeraden: sich unkenntlich zu machen. Nach den...

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  • Silvester in Italien: Traditionen und Bräuche
    Silvester in Italien: Traditionen und Bräuche

    Silvester in Italien Weihnachten in Italien ist ein Fest voller extravaganter Bräuche, vieler Speisen und Glaubensrichtungen. Die Italiener feiern mit Ritualen, die sich jedes Jahr wiederholen. Sehen wir uns an, welche das sind. Zunächst einmal feiern die Menschen am 24. Dezember den Heiligabend gemeinsam mit ihren Familien, sie organisieren ein “großes Abendessen”, denn das Essen dauert viele Stunden und es werden traditionelle Gerichte gegessen, die sich von Nord nach Süd unterscheiden....

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Showing 1 to 12 of 40 (4 Pages)
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Join the Vico Fanta Sanremo and you could win a Vico Mystery Box worth 100€!

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3 ways to use Chanteclair degreaser

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Cold and hair: how to take care of it

Winter is the most difficult time of year for our hair. How to deal with it? Here are a few tips.

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