New Cheeses Pinna Pecorino Romano DOP - 200 gr Pinna DH039 €7.45 Pecorino Romano is a true gem of Italian gastronomy, with a rich, complex, and slightly spicy flavor, and a history that dates back to ancient Rome. It was a key feature at imperial banquets and a staple in the rations of Roman legionnaires over 2000 years ago. As early as the first century AD, the writer Columella described the production of Pecorino, a... Add to Box
New Candy Elah Caramelle Menta e Liquirizia - 150 gr Elah BM010 €1.99 Anyway, if they had blindfolded you, you would have still recognized it: a dark green package, with black stripes and white writing. They were your favorite candies: you really liked them. But one day your parents told you that you were eating too many of them, so they made the package disappear. You were very sad and angry, because they thought you were... Add to Box
New Cheeses Pinna seasoned Ricotta from Sheep - approx. 350 g Pinna DI069 €8.50 When we are not in Italy we forget some things and start changing our habits, but never those related to food! With Pinna's seasoned sheep ricotta you can rediscover the taste of those summer dinners when your father used to serve you a slice of bread with a slice of Montella ricotta on top. A delight!" Add to Box
New Candy Elah Kremlicorice candies - 150 gr Elah BM009 €1.99 Just as you entered your grandmother's house, you eagerly searched for the package. It was very recognizable: yellow, brown, with white writing. They were your candies. Your grandmother kept them only for you, no one else ate them. They were soft and in the summer they would sometimes melt a bit, but they were even more delicious! They were called toffee,... Add to Box
New Last items in stock Cocoa and Dessert mixes Elah Cremcaramel flavored pudding mix - 100 gr Elah ME043 €1.59 Do you want to treat yourself to a relaxing cuddle that takes you back to your childhood years? When in the afternoon you sat in front of the television and your grandmother gave you a sweet. A fresh and light pudding with crem caramel flavour. How much you liked it! It was so good that you even licked your plate. Relive those moments of taste with Elah... Add to Box
New Candy Elah Cubik Candies - 150 gr Elah BM007 €1.99 Do you remember when you used to go to grandma's house? She always wanted to give you some candy. Your mother would say they were bad for you, but the wise old grandma, much wiser than her, would openly or secretly put some sweets in your hand. In particular, she would give you the ones you liked the most, because grandma was always prepared! Your... Add to Box