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  • The growth of Vico Food Box - The new warehouse
    The growth of Vico Food Box - The new warehouse

    At the beginning of our adventure, we never imagined how much our family of customers would grow. In 5 years we have grown so much, an incredible achievement, the result of the hard work and trust that our customers, the ‘Vico Lovers’ have placed in us since day zero. In 2024, our turnover is 38 times higher than in 2019! With exponential growth like this, our old warehouse was starting to get tight. 

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  • Vegan Nutella - all you need to know
    Vegan Nutella - all you need to know

    Vegan Nutella is a revised version of the classic Nutella, made without milk or animal derivatives. In fact, its launch was a response to the needs of a market in constant evolution, the vegan market: ‘[...] in Europe, plant-based products reach a turnover of over 6 billion sales (Nielsen data).’ Available on the market from September 2024. 

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  • Quick recipes with pasta for every day
    Quick recipes with pasta for every day

    Pasta is one of the most loved foods worldwide. It is highly sought after by Italians in Italy, expats abroad, and tourists. It’s a versatile food that pairs well with many different ingredients, resulting in incredibly flavorful dishes. Today, we’re offering three easy and quick recipes that can be prepared every day, perfect for those who have little time but don’t want to compromise on taste. 1. Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and chili Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and chili is a classic...

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  • Liquid or powder? Guide to choosing the perfect detergent
    Liquid or powder? Guide to choosing the perfect detergent

    Household laundry is one of those tasks that, whether it’s winter or summer, never leaves us. Especially after returning from vacations or weekend getaways where we accumulate clothes on top of clothes. When it comes to doing the laundry, one of the first decisions to make is which type of detergent to use: liquid or powder. Both have their pros and cons, and the choice often depends on specific washing needs, the type of stains, and the fabrics. In this article, we will explore the main...

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  • 3 Easy recipes with gnocchi
    3 Easy recipes with gnocchi

    Gnocchi are one of the most loved and sought-after dishes both in Italy and abroad. In winter, especially when temperatures start to drop, we often crave a warm and comforting meal, such as gnocchi alla sorrentina with tomato sauce and melted mozzarella, baked in a small pan. These are, small, soft potato dumplings that are versatile and can be paired with a wide variety of sauces and ingredients. In this article, we will share three simple and delicious recipes you can prepare at home with...

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  • Mushroom risotto - tips for the perfect risotto
  • Back to School: i segreti per affrontarlo al meglio
    Back to School: i segreti per affrontarlo al meglio

    Il ritorno a scuola è sempre un momento emozionante e pieno di sfide, sia per i bambini che per i genitori. Per affrontare al meglio questo periodo, è importante essere ben organizzati e trovare la giusta routine. In questo articolo ci teniamo a darvi dei suggerimenti per un back to school perfetto. Preparativi per il Back to School La prima cosa da fare è organizzare il materiale scolastico. Vi suggeriamo, in primis, di fare una check-list del materiale: capire cosa si ha già e...

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  • Spaghetti Carbonara easy recipe – no cream needed
    Spaghetti Carbonara easy recipe – no cream needed

    Spaghetti Carbonara easy recipe For italians, carbonara is much more than a dish, it is part of our identity. We love carbonara so much that we dedicate a day to celebrate it: 6/04 is Carbonara Day. We only need three ingredients for carbonara: eggs, guanciale and Roman pecorino cheese. The most popular pasta format for carbonara abroad is spaghetti. However, we also recommend rigatoni.  How do you prepare carbonara? The secret is to prepare a perfect cream for the pasta. The cream is...

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  • Spaghetti Carbonara Sahne und Guanciale
    Spaghetti Carbonara Sahne und Guanciale

    Spaghetti Carbonara Sahne und Guanciale  Carbonara ist nicht nur ein typisch italienisches Gericht, es ist pure Magie. Die Italiener lieben Carbonara so sehr, dass sie ihr einen eigenen Tag widmen: Am 6.4. ist Carbonara-Tag. Es ist ein echter Traum, der aus einer Mischung einfacher Aromen und preiswerter, nicht raffinierter Zutaten entsteht. Es ist kein erster Gang mit Trüffeln oder wer weiß was für unerreichbaren Zutaten. Nur drei Zutaten für Carbonara: Eier, Guanciale und Pecorino...

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  • Varianti della Carbonara – anche per la gravidanza?
    Varianti della Carbonara – anche per la gravidanza?

    La carbonara è un piatto tipico della cucina italiana amatissimo in tutto il mondo. In tempi di grandi intolleranze e preferenze alimentari sono diverse le alternative proposte dal web. Per non parlare delle mamme in dolce attesa, 9 mesi di grande astinenza! Certo, sappiamo che rivisitare la tradizione è un azzardo ma se stai cercando delle alternative sei nel posto giusto.

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  • Grana padano Cheese – what it is and where to buy it
    Grana padano Cheese – what it is and where to buy it

    All you need to know about Grana padano

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  • Italian Cappuccino – what you need to know
    Italian Cappuccino – what you need to know

    Cappuccino is a typical Italian drink to be enjoyed at breakfast, whether sitting with a cornetto in a café. What is it? It is a long coffee with frothy milk with bitter cocoa on top of it. The milk is first heated and frothed separately and then mixed with the coffee drink to create a pleasant froth. For the more skilled, you can even draw on the cappuccino! Make heart shapes, suns, write dedications with milk. More info here.  Cappuccino vs Latte When ordering at the café, you may notice...

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Italian women and traditions
Italian women and traditions

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Carnival in Italy: sweets, masks and traditions

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