New Cheeses Pinna Pecorino Romano DOP - 200 gr Pinna DH039 €7.45 Pecorino Romano is a true gem of Italian gastronomy, with a rich, complex, and slightly spicy flavor, and a history that dates back to ancient Rome. It was a key feature at imperial banquets and a staple in the rations of Roman legionnaires over 2000 years ago. As early as the first century AD, the writer Columella described the production of Pecorino, a... Add to Box
New Cheeses Pinna seasoned Ricotta from Sheep - approx. 350 g Pinna DI069 €8.50 When we are not in Italy we forget some things and start changing our habits, but never those related to food! With Pinna's seasoned sheep ricotta you can rediscover the taste of those summer dinners when your father used to serve you a slice of bread with a slice of Montella ricotta on top. A delight!" Add to Box
New Italian Blonde Beers Becks Beer - 33 cl Beck's PG032 €1.85 They rang the doorbell. But who is at the door at this time on a Saturday afternoon? It's your best friend, back from summer vacation. You haven't seen her in a long time! It's wonderful to hug her again. You both sit on the living room couch and start chatting, gossiping, and laughing. What can I offer you to drink? You ask her. To always be prepared,... Add to Box