New Delicate surfaces Ajax Optimal 7 Parquet alla Mandorla - 1.25 L Ajax IC013 €3.79 Is your parquet causing you endless problems? Does it lack shine? Is it invaded by dust? Are you always scrubbing without ever achieving satisfactory results? Choose Ajax Optimal 7 Parquet with Almond, with 7 powers and a fresh and delicate aroma. Your parquet will shine, no dust and no streaks will tarnish it: only the almond will perfume it, for... Add to Box
New Raisin And Fortified Wines Martini Vermouth Bianco - 1 L Martini PI040 €12.70 Do you remember your dad drinking two fingers of White Vermouth Martini on Sunday evenings in which he would dunk your mum's homemade cake. Even you, who are grown up now, always keep a bottle of White Martini at home. You love its sweetly smooth flavour with a vanilla aftertaste. You like to sip it neat embellished with a squeeze of lemon and a green... Add to Box
New Raisin And Fortified Wines Martini Vermouth Rosso - 1 L Martini PI042 €13.50 When you were young, you used to prepare pre-party cocktails. The star of your cocktails? Martini Vermouth Rosso! An Italian excellence, a vermouth with a unique and incomparable taste. Even now that you are an adult, you always keep a bottle of Martini Rosso at home. You pour two fingers of it into a glass with some ice and let your palate be enchanted... Add to Box
New Spray and Multisurfaces Ajax Pavimenti Classico Multisuperficie - 1.25L Ajax IC011 €3.79 For a mirror finish floor, choose Ajax Classic Multisurface Floor. With its Optimal 7 formula, it guarantees a long-lasting fragrance, as well as perfect and fragrant brightness. Its cleaning is deep and suitable for every surface, and is also considered the n°1 in Italy. So if you want guarantees and success for your home, choose Ajax and make it unique... Add to Box