New Seasonings and Spices O Sole e Napule Limonissimo (lemon juice) - 200 ml O' Sole 'e Napule NA021 €1.29 Do you remember the squeeze of fresh lemon your mum used to put on your freshly cut fruit salad? That squeeze of lemon was the icing on the cake of your fruit salad. You loved it so much! Today, however, fresh lemons at home don't last you. They always go bad for you because you don't use them often. An alternative you can try is O Sole e Napule... Add to Box
New Chocolate Zaini Emilia Cioccolato Extra-fondente - 200 gr Zaini Emilia BI048 €3.50 The trick to the success of a good chocolate cake is not so much the skill, or the diligence with which the recipe is executed. To be good, a cake must be made with love. That's why Zaini Emilia Extra Dark Chocolate is the most suitable: its ingredients are of the highest quality, but those who created it were not thinking about the recipe it would end up... Add to Box