Sale New Cheeses Gran Biraghi Seasoned Cheese - 500 gr Biraghi DH015 €11.50 €12.90 In a practical package that guarantees optimum storage, you will have your Gran Biraghi mature cheese directly at home! Great to eat in chunks or grate over your favourite dishes! Add to Box
New Bicarbonate and Digestifs Solvay Baking Soda - 250 gr Solvay PA006 €1.85 Your grandmother came to visit you in your new house. And between sips of tea, she exclaims: 'But have you stocked up on Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate? And why would you? And then your grandmother starts explaining that with Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate you do a bit of everything at home. You can use it in the kitchen, to clean the fridge, freezer and... Add to Box