New Laundry Amuchina Laundry Additive Cleaner - 1 L Amuchina IA057 €4.99 Do you want to make your laundry even more perfect? Do you want your laundry to give off that unparalleled clean scent? Choose Amuchina Laundry Additive Sanitiser to give your laundry the right, decisive, softening turn. It disinfects in depth, removes all bad smells and already works at full capacity from 30° degrees. An extra helping hand certainly... Add to Box
New Spray and Multisurfaces Amuchina Crema Gel Igienizzante Multisuperfici - 750 ml Amuchina IC055 €4.45 Every Sunday is always a tragedy. After a long week of work your house is a disaster! That sauce stain on the stove from three days ago has now become cement, not to mention the bathroom: the sink has so much limescale that the ceramic has turned into plaster. The urge to tear down your house is strong, but don't give up: we have the solution for you! Use... Add to Box
New Home hygiene Amuchina Concentrated Disinfectant - 250 ml Amuchina IC056 €6.90 Quick solution to clean and disinfect your fruit and vegetables properly? Use Amuchina Disinfectant Solution Concentrate! Just one capful per liter of water and 15 minutes of soaking, and you can say goodbye to germs and bacteria that contaminate your food! Perfect for disinfecting pacifiers, nipples, and dishes for your children. Don't take risks:... Add to Box
Sale New Cloths Pannopell Panno Pavimenti Classico Gigante - 50 x 67 cm Pannopell LA021 €1.89 €2.39 You are a person who likes to try new things, but much prefers traditional ones? For your household chores, all you have to do is try the Classic Giant Floor Cloth Pannopell. The maxi format 50x67cm is designed for deep cleaning of large surfaces, ensuring you a better user experience at the same time. For you who think that the new is beautiful, but the... Add to Box
New Spray and Multisurfaces Amuchina Surface Degreaser and Disinfectant Spray - 750 ml Amuchina IC002 €4.75 If you want your kitchen surfaces to be free of even 1% bacteria or grease, choose Amuchina Superfici Spray Degreaser and Disinfectant. Then let us know how your new cooker-mirror will work when you cook your pasta on it. Know that Amuchina doesn't mess around, leaves nothing behind and stuns enemies wherever they are. It is like a reliable hitman that... Add to Box
New Cloths Pannopell Ultramicrofiber Glass Cloth - 40 x 35 cm Pannopell IG018 €2.19 Remember when you were a child and you liked to run your finger over the mirror in your bathroom after taking a shower? You drew figures, wrote words, and numbers. But how hard it was for your mom to erase the smudges from the mirror! If there had been Pannopell Glass Cleaning Cloth in Ultramicrofiber back then, it would have been a piece of cake! The... Add to Box
New Home hygiene Amuchina X-Germ Hand disinfectant - 80 ml Amuchina IC057 €3.99 To thoroughly disinfect your hands even when you are out of the house, rely on Amuchina X-Germ Hand Sanitizer Gel. In a practical 80 ml bottle to always carry with you when you are out and cannot wash your hands! Amuchina gel is antiseptic, and its formula is specifically designed to effectively eliminate germs and bacteria you come into contact with in... Add to Box