New Italian Blonde Beers Becks Beer - 33 cl Beck's PG032 €1.85 They rang the doorbell. But who is at the door at this time on a Saturday afternoon? It's your best friend, back from summer vacation. You haven't seen her in a long time! It's wonderful to hug her again. You both sit on the living room couch and start chatting, gossiping, and laughing. What can I offer you to drink? You ask her. To always be prepared,... Add to Box
New Chocolate Zaini Emilia Cioccolato Extra-fondente - 200 gr Zaini Emilia BI048 €3.50 The trick to the success of a good chocolate cake is not so much the skill, or the diligence with which the recipe is executed. To be good, a cake must be made with love. That's why Zaini Emilia Extra Dark Chocolate is the most suitable: its ingredients are of the highest quality, but those who created it were not thinking about the recipe it would end up... Add to Box