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  • Italienische Kaffeemaschine – Wie man sie benutzt
    Italienische Kaffeemaschine – Wie man sie benutzt

    Italians are famous for being big fans of coffee. In Italy, in fact, people drink it at all hours: when they get up to have breakfast, often mid-morning to take a break, after lunch – because otherwise they feel like sleeping – and some even after dinner! Coffee is a piece of the heart, a bit like pizza. And there is no compromise on quality: coffee has to be good. Italians in fact care a lot about brands, the most famous being Kimbo, Lavazza, Kosè. In addition, according to personal...

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  • Italienische Vorspeisen: die Rezepte, die Sie kennen müssen
    Italienische Vorspeisen: die Rezepte, die Sie kennen müssen

    Für die Italiener sind die Vorspeisen ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Mittagessens. Es sind appetitanregende Gerichte, die am Tisch vor den ersten Mahlzeiten serviert werden (die auch unbedingt gegessen werden müssen, wie Lasagne, Carbonara, Pasta mit Pesto usw.). Zu den beliebtesten Vorspeisen gehören sicherlich Canapés mit Thunfischpastete oder Mayonnaise, Prosciutto Crudo und Mozzarella, Prosciutto Crudo und Melone, Salami, gefüllte Rustici und Parmigiana. Nun ja, Parmigiana gilt bei...

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  • Pizzeria in Neapel: hier sind die besten
    Pizzeria in Neapel: hier sind die besten

    Für Italiener ist die Pizza nicht nur eine Mahlzeit, sondern ein Stück ihres Herzens. Für die Neapolitaner ist sie sogar noch etwas Besonderes. Tatsächlich hat die Pizza ihren Ursprung in Neapel und wird mit ganz einfachen Zutaten hergestellt: Wasser, Mehl, Hefe, Büffelmozzarella und Tomatensauce. Es ist möglich, verschiedene Beläge zu verwenden und die köstlichsten Pizzen zu kreieren! Salsiccia e friarielli (Wurst und Friarielli), Wurst und Kartoffeln, quattro formaggi (vier Käsesorten),...

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  • Startup: everything you need to know
    Startup: everything you need to know

    Hello Vico Lovers! Today Vico Food Box turns three years old. What have been the challenges we faced as a start-up? Let’s look at them together. The road is not uphill; it is a real challenge! Vico Food Box started as an Italian company in the Netherlands and then returned to its headquarters in Italy.Why in the Netherlands? Because it was much more practical and faster than in Italy. The bureaucracy and costs in Italy are higher and scare a lot of young people who would like to get involved...

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  • Provolone, Italian cheese loved in the UK
    Provolone, Italian cheese loved in the UK

    Provolone cheese is one the most famous cheese in the world, loved especially in the UK. It is made with simple ingredients (like most Italian cheeses) and has a rich taste. Now it’s official: Vico Food Box is back in the UK despite Brexit and Coronavirus and brings for you the best Italian specialities. Can’t you travel? Don’t worry! We can do it for you. Travelling to UK from Italy means having the opportunity to eat Italian food even at distance. Let’s discover something more about...

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  • Italian guanciale, the king of carbonara
    Italian guanciale, the king of carbonara

    Are you also obsessed with carbonara? Did you know that carbonara is made with guanciale and not pancetta? A real italian might shiver if you put pancetta into carbonara. Today we would like to introduce this magic fresh product: the italian guanciale – also known as cured pork jowl. Vico Food Box is back in the UK despite Brexit and Coronavirus and brings for you the best Italian specialities. Can’t you travel? Don’t worry! We can do it for you and you can have the opportunity to eat...

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  • 5 ways to recognize an Italian abroad
    5 ways to recognize an Italian abroad

    There are many Italians abroad. Sometimes, because of their ways, habits and behaviour, they are thought to be Spanish – and that’s very funny because it happens the same to Spanish people. But how can you recognise an Italian abroad? Today we will suggest you five things to look out for in order to recognise them. 1) Italians are always looking for italian food The first thing an Italian does when he moves abroad is to look for Italian food. You will see italians going to Italian places,...

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  • Where to barbecue like an italian: bbq area in Cardiff
    Where to barbecue like an italian: bbq area in Cardiff

    Barbecue for Italians is an irreplaceable tradition. For Italians abroad it is even more important! A moment of relax, to be with family and friends eating italian food, roast meat, cold cuts, cheese, vegetables and toasted bread. Wherever you are, you can’t give it up! And best of all, it’s not difficult to organise. Nowadays there are many DIY barbecue kits that don’t cost much and are disposable. If you are in Cardiff you can organise your own bbq with friends in one of the perfect...

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  • Italian Bread: all you have to know
    Italian Bread: all you have to know

    Italian bread is one of the most popular foods abroad, along with pizza and pasta. Even though bread is a carbohydrate, just like pasta, Italians often eat it after eating pasta. As an accompaniment to sauces and they make ‘scarpetta‘, for example they eat the bread with the leftover pasta sauce. Every Italian region has its own bread, different in length and shape. In the north it is customary to eat bread with less salt; on the contrary, in the south they use more salt. In some regions,...

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  • The most famous Italian gesture: do you know its meaning?
    The most famous Italian gesture: do you know its meaning?

    Italians and gestures what is the relationship? Why do we gesture? Recently especially with the internet, gifs memes and emoji the Italian gesture of “hand to bag” or “artichoke hand” has spread, what are its origins? What does it mean, it has several meanings, which ones? For Italians, gesturing is a personal and innate characteristic, a distinctive gesture. Wherever an Italian is, in the world, it is not necessary to wait for him to speak to recognize him. Simply observe him because sooner...

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  • Alchermes – the perfect Italian liqueur for desserts
    Alchermes – the perfect Italian liqueur for desserts

    Alchermes is a liqueur that is usually drunk at the end of a meal as a digestif or used to moisten cakes and desserts. It is likened to an Elixir of Long Life and for this reason it is highly sought after even abroad. How many degrees of alcohol does it have? The alcohol content is between 21-32%. In addition, it is also a common ingredient in some hot drinks such as “mulled wine” or “Alchermes mulled wine,” which consists of hot wine flavored with spices and sugar and flavored with...

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  • Nduja – all you need to know about it
    Nduja – all you need to know about it

    Nduja [nˈduːja] is a traditional Calabrian spicy sausage made from pork and chili peppers. It is spreadable and typically served as an appetizer or topping for pasta dishes. Nduja is also sometimes used in sauces and stews. Pairing Nduja with Wine is always a good idea! We therefore suggest red wines, the salient features of which are the alcohol content and the sweetness, which helps to soften the flavor. We cannot fail to mention the red wine of Cirò Marina, a full-bodied wine to match...

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Showing 37 to 48 of 241 (21 Pages)
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Italienische Frauen und Traditionen
Italienische Frauen und Traditionen

Eine Reise durch die italienischen Traditionen des 8. März zur Feier der Frauen.

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Kindereier 2025: die Überraschungen und ihr Gewicht
Kindereier 2025: die Überraschungen und ihr Gewicht

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Pistazie: das grüne Gold, das die Welt erobert

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Karneval in Italien: Süßigkeiten, Masken und Traditionen
Karneval in Italien: Süßigkeiten, Masken und Traditionen

Wie feiert man Karneval in Italien? Finden wir es gemeinsam heraus.

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10 Arten, "Ich liebe dich" auf italienische Art zu sagen
10 Arten, "Ich liebe dich" auf italienische Art zu sagen

Alles was du brauchst ist Liebe!

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